Can I get pre-grown Cat Grass delivered to my home?

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Can I get pre-grown Cat Grass delivered to my home?

So, your Pet Greens wheatgrass just arrived, and it's ready for your cat to eat. So how do you get your cat to eat the grass? Cats instinctively like chewing grass, so usually all you have to do is set it in front of them and they'll start eating it. But for my cat, I have to cut it up and put it in his food, because he's a "fancy boy!

"Pet Greens provides natural wellness and helps cats connect with nature, which is something indoor cats need since they're inside all day. It helps with digestion, hairball relief and provides nutrients that your cat may not be getting in their everyday diet.

To keep your wheatgrass alive and thriving, put them in a cool area with indirect sunlight-or put them in the fridge! To water the wheatgrass, put it in an inch of water for one hour, twice a week. Plants tend to live two to three weeks, depending on how you take care of them. But don't worry: they're really easy to take care of-you won't screw it up, I promise!

If your Pet Greens grass arrives a little bit yellow, just put it in an inch of water in indirect sunlight, and the grass will perk up in a few hours. If you see white and fuzzy mold, just wash it off. However, if you see dark gray or black spots, if it arrives frozen, or it's otherwise damaged, just toss it and contact Pet Greens' support team and they'll make sure to get you a new order of wheatgrass, ASAP!